The EES Hospital Air Permit Program focuses on Clean Air Act compliance. We complete a number of tasks to ensure your facility is achieving, and even surpassing, the Federal, State and Local air standards.
Here is an overview of our program:
Review current construction and operation permits to determine needs.
Complete annual air emission inventory reports to ensure operating permit compliance via calculation of pollutants.
Complete emissions tracking for oxides of nitrogen (NOx) to ensure synthetic minor status via utility bill analysis or reported boiler hours of operation.
Review odor, visible emissions and fugitive emissions tracking requirements for the hospital.
Document fuel oil sulfur concentration to ensure it is within operating permit limits.
Assure refrigerant (CFC) regulation compliance through review of hospital and service technician protocols to protect the ozone layer.
Track emergency generator fuel consumption and operation hours according to permit specifications.
Address all issues specific to your permitting needs and written permit conditions.
Review asbestos removal procedures to ensure compliance with federal rules.
Ensure compliance with National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants through Ethylene Oxide Sterilization management.
Determine applicability of small sources NOx rule for emergency generators.
The BIG question is:
Would your healthcare facility be prepared in the event of a State or Federal air quality inspection?
If you are unsure, contact Tom Petersen at Environmental and Engineering Solutions, Inc. for a complimentary review of your air permit status. Reach him at 215-881-9401 or