Air Permitting
Healthcare Clients:
Temple University Health System
University of Pennsylvania Health System
Jefferson University Health System
Higher Education
Temple University Jeanes Hospital
Domnic Nocito
“I am very pleased with the environmental compliance services provided by Environmental and Engineering Solutions . . . I highly recommend EES for all of your hospital environmental compliance requirements.” Read full
Permit Services
Compliance Protection
EES works to protect your compliance interests ensuring that you are well informed and in compliance.
Annual Permit Deviation
Annual Emissions
Fuel Certification
Monthly Emissions Reports
Regulator Meetings
Onsite Walkthrough
Compliance Questions
EES handles all aspects of the Air Permitting process including permit applications, annual compliance requirements, renewals, modifications and notices of violation.
Synthetic Minor
Title V permits are Air Permits for facilities that exceed the threshold for a major source of criteria or hazardous air pollutants.
Synthetic Minor Permits are Air Permits for facilities that may emit more than the major source threshold for criteria and hazardous air pollutants, but voluntarily remain below that threshold to maintain "minor" status.
Permit Lifecycle
Title V
Construction Permits
Plan Approvals (PA)
Operating Permits
Notices of Violation
Permit Renewals
Permit Modifications

EES has been providing environmental health & safety consulting and engineering services for more than 25 years, serving healthcare, manufacturing, pharmaceutical, aerospace and higher education organizations across the United States and Canada.
President and Engineer Tom Petersen, P.E. has more than 36 years of environmental engineering, health & safety and process safety experience.