Get bored looking through all those news updates from your state? We’ve done it for you! Below are what we felt were the significant regulatory updates for the past month.
New Jersey:
Regulations of perchloroethylene at dry cleaning facilities: Proposal would require dry cleaning facilities find alternative methods and also regulate existing equipment.
Recycling Rules: Proposal to readopt these regulations with some amendments. Amendments include four subchapters.
Determination of Environmental Benefit of the Reuse of Further Treated Effluent in Industrial Facilities: Proposal to readopt this tax incentive program without change.
Shellfish Growing Waters Rule: Proposal to readopt this rule with amendments. This includes reclassification of 1207 acres of shellfish waters.
Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR): Approved by EQB. Establishes three CAIR trading programs: NOx, Ozone season NOx and SO2. Also includes NOx requirements specific to Philadelphia region. Not yet published in Bulletin.
Radiological Health Amendments: Approved by EQB. Amends existing rules including Radiation Safety Requirements for Industrial Radiographic Operations and X-rays in Healing Arts. Not yet published in Bulletin.
Diesel Vehicle Idling Requirements & Auxiliary Power Systems: Proposed regulation establishes idling restrictions and regulates diesel-powered auxiliary power systems.
Triennial Review of Water Quality Standards & Water Quality Toxics Management Strategy: The review proposes to update water quality criteria, clarify and streamline portions of the regulation.
Laboratory Reporting Instructions for Radiological Contaminants in Drinking Water AND Total and Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Public Drinking Water Distribution Systems: Draft guidance. Comments due February 2008.
Perchloroethylene dry cleaning facility: Proposal to make DNREC MACT regulations consistent with federal requirements.
Underground Storage Tank Systems: Final regulation amends existing underground storage tank regulations. Amendments intended to keep regulations current with existing technology.
Number 46 part 3