Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have become a focal point in EPA policy in recent years. The deadline for GHG permitting is fast approaching, which means that states and territories nationwide must change their practices in preparation.
As of January 2, 2011 the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) and Title V programs begin. These programs, created in June 2010, exempt the multitudes of smaller sources and subject only the largest GHG emitters to permit requirements.
The EPA asked states to send a letter, by August 2, 2010, explaining how they planned to implement the Tailoring Rule. Specifically the EPA asked each state if they had the authority to regulate GHG, and if not, whether they intended to revise their rules accordingly. Nearly 80% of states expect to have rules in place by January 2, 2011, however, some states require more time to amend their legislation.
Tune back into our blog this Friday when we will highlight one state that is pushing back and questioning EPA’s authority in regulating greenhouse gases.
To read more about GHG Permitting visit
EES can help you determine whether your organization will be affected by these new regulations. To learn more contact Tom Petersen at 215-881-9401 or